AVA MAEgerle

Through my work I explore my atypical family relationships. I try to shine a light on how disabilities can affect an individual and the people around them. My older brother, Hayden, is affected by cerebral palsy and autism. His conditions bring on emotions and behaviors that others view as extreme. For the past 19 years, my family has learned to understand his abilities and how to care for him.

My works have been inspired by the art styles of Francis Bacon and Anthony Cudahy who place figures in dream-like scapes with vivid colors. This surrealism showcases my brother's actions and views on the world. My brother sees the world through letters, numbers tracing and repeating them. Stimming, like rocking back and forth continuously or swinging arms vigorously, is oftentimes misunderstood. Painting multiple hands in motion displays my brothers constant motion and interaction with his environment. Oftentimes, stimming draws attention from the public. Growing up I constantly felt watched and stared at by the public. Making my family and I feel isolated and unwelcomed at many social events.

Depicting Hayden as an adult and as a baby shows different facets of his life and personality. People tend to view him as a child because it is easier to digest. The older he has gotten, the less accepting people tend to be of his disabilities.

Caregivers and support staff are often overlooked and not appreciated as they care for others' loved ones. They work long hours devoting themselves to their jobs at schools, group homes and habilitation centers. More so than workers, parents of disabled children are undervalued. Being referred to as saints but not receiving real acknowledgement for the hard work they do everyday to care for their children.

Adults with disabilities are often overlooked and misunderstood by our society. Many are put in facilities and kept out of the public eye for the comfort of others. I hope to humanize people of all ages with disabilities and create compassionate opportunities for them.

A Saint

Oil on masonite

36in x 26in




36in x 25in



Acrylic on canvas

36.5in x 32in


Lost Connection

Oil on masonite

36in x 40in


Perfect Boy

Oil and collage

36in x 36in
