Keynote Lecturer 1

June 21 (10:00-10:30)


by João Rosa Dias

Urban mobility and infrastructure are now a reality to come, the proliferation of EV is unstoppable. There are implicit implications in the city structure of these new necessary infrastructures which will change the way we live our cities, both in public- and private-sectors. Deploying charging infrastructure will change not only the business models based on current mobility but also the energy distribution inside a city. This transformation will ignite the ability of cities to meet climate goals, optimize grid infrastructure investments, generate innovation on services and infrastructure, generate economic growth, ultimately providing huge benefits to citizens. Traditional city spaces planning will need to support the adoption of this new vectors of electric mobility and study the impact and influence on the design of the urban environment. The is a new world, full of challenges but will change the way we see cities and how we live them.

João Rosa Dias

is the Manager of the Center of Competence Corroios (CoC) eMob ecosystem, located in Corroios Production Facility. This CoC is responsible for the research and development on Heavy duty vehicles Electric Mobility for Siemens AG.

He has a Degree on Electrotechnical Engineering and Computer Science and made an Executive MBA. Start his carrier in the national grid laboratories, after that worked in Protection relays for substations and in the Smartgrid initiative.

He possesses a Deep technical knowledge in eMobility with high market awareness and able to foster an innovative environment.

Keynote Lecturer 2

June 21 (14:00-14:30)


by Filippo Ubertini

Artificial intelligence and data science promise to be revolutionary approaches for structural health monitoring in civil engineering, thus contributing to solving urgent needs of western countries, who are facing the challenge of quantifying and ensuring safety of their built heritage and infrastructure network with a special focus on historic buildings, ageing bridges, tunnels, dams and power plants exposed to different types of hazards. Despite the richness of data analysis and artificial intelligence algorithms being continuously developed, their effective application in civil engineering is yet to be achieved due to a missing link with the physics of the problem. The route towards a broad application of SHM to achieve effective risk-informed decisions in buildings and infrastructural systems necessarily passes through the inclusion of engineering knowledge within the monitoring loop. This talk is a contribution to exploring these SHM frontiers by presenting an overview of recent research carried out at the University of Perugia. Attention will be focused on statistical pattern recognition methods applied to physically based features, metamodeling approaches and Bayesian inference for damage localization, with some insights on the use of seismic interferometry and the potential of remote sensing data from satellites through InSar technique.

Filippo Ubertini

is a Full Professor of Structural Design at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of University of Perugia, Italy, where he teaches Structural Design and Earthquake Engineering and where he coordinates the International PhD Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering. He graduated cum laude in Civil Engineering at University of Perugia in 2005 and received his PhD in Civil Engineering from University of Pavia in 2009.

He was visiting scholar at Columbia University in 2008. Author of more than 120 papers published in high impact international journals, his research is mainly focused on structural health monitoring, with emphasis on physics-based methods, smart materials and applications to earthquake engineering, bridge engineering and cultural heritage structures. He is a member of the editorial board of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing and of other international journals, and he has been member of the scientific committees of several international conferences.

He is Vice-President of the Italian “FABRE” Consortium that is leading national research on multilevel risk classification and monitoring of civil infrastructures, with multimillion funding achieved in the last two years. He has been PI of several international and national research projects and plenary/semi-plenary/keynote speaker at prestigious international conferences, including Eurodyn 2020 and CBPAT 2020.

Dr. Ubertini has been awarded by the Italian Association for Wind Engineering in 2010 and has received best papers awards in EVACES 2011 and IOMAC 2019.

Keynote Lecturer 3

June 22 (14:00-14:30)

From smart labels to the Metaverse: providing intelligence to engineering structures

by António Câmara

Alternative methods for providing intelligence to engineering structures range from printed smart labels to the Metaverse. They are increasingly based on printed sensors, processors and actuators on the hardware side. The Metaverse buzzword encompasses artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, and blockchain based approaches on the software side.

Conceptual frameworks underlying both hardware and software approaches are discussed. They are illustrated with projects developed for Vodafone, Santander Financial City, the city of Lisbon, EDP, the State of Rio de Janeiro and Rio Olympics. Forward looking projects for cities and public institutions managing historical and natural heritage are also presented.

António CÂmara

is a Professor at the NOVA University Lisbon. He was a Visiting Professor at Cornell University (1988-89) and MIT (1998-99).

Antonio Camara pioneered research on virtual and augmented reality.

He has more than 200 international publications, including the books Spatial Multimedia and Virtual Reality (Taylor and Francis in 1999 with a digital version made available in 2021), and Environmental Systems, published by Oxford University Press in 2002. He has been also involved in filing 14 patents. Antonio Camara advised 40 PhD students at NOVA and several foreign universities.

In 2000, Antonio Camara co-founded YDreams, that developed over 1500 projects in 40 countries for 50 Fortune 500 companies. His books “Voando com os Pés na Terra” (Bertrand, 2009) and O Futuro Inventa-se (Penguin, 2009) reflect his early experience as an entrepreneur.

António Câmara received twenty-one national and international awards, including Premio Pessoa 2006 in Portugal and a European Entrepreneur Award by the European Union in 2009.