Special Journal Issue

Special Issue at the Semigroup Forum

As announced at the conference, a special issue of "Semigroup Forum" is planned to cover the scientific contribution of TCA2024. The guest editors of the special issue are Jorge Almeida, João Araújo, António Malheiro, and Mikhail Volkov.

Following the aims and scope of "Semigroup Forum", papers in all areas of semigroup theory are welcome. All kinds of contributions are solicited: surveys, research articles, and short notes. There is no page limit for surveys and research articles; short notes are limited to 5 pages. Submissions may or may not correspond to their (co)authors'

talks at the conference; in either case, all submissions are subject to the usual refereeing procedure.

Potential authors for the special issue are asked to send an expression of interest to one of the guest editors by 15 August 2024. Please specify the category of your planned submission (survey, research article, or short note) and its tentative title. The deadline for submissions is 15 October 2024.

Manuscripts should be submitted in pdf format by email directly to one of the guest editors. The submission guidelines can be found here.

We are looking forward to receiving your contributions to the special issue.

Best regards,

The guest editors:

Jorge Almeida jalmeida@fc.up.pt

João Araújo jj.araujo@fct.unl.pt

António Malheiro ajm@fct.unl.pt

Mikhail Volkov mishavolkov@gmail.com