Invited Speakers

Keynote Speakers

Basic principles of X-ray matter interactions and atomic fundamental parameters for XRF

Quantification of X-ray methodologies and extraction of reliable and new insight

Lecturers Spring School

Grazing X-ray fluorescence techniques

Quantitative methods and statistical analysis of spectral data with ROOT-CERN

X-Ray Astronomy + X-Ray Spectral Fitting and the Properties of Astrophysical Plasmas

Self-consistent analysis of PIXE and EBS spectra for the characterization of stratified samples

From sample to intensities. Performance and challenges of WD and ED XRF detection chains

Quantification with Monte-Carlo methods

Invited Speakers Workshop

X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) for phase identification and quantification of corrosion zones in ferritic alloys – challenges and perspectives

Grazing Emission XRF with high spatial resolution detection of X-rays using a conventional CCD

Fundamental Atomic Parameters for the Multi-Messenger Physics

Validation and standardization of methods for quantitative analysis by Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence: a way to spread good practices and assure the quality of data

SI traceable X-ray Energy scales

Experimental determination of atomic fundamental parameters for X-ray spectrometry

Round Tables

Round Table I - Machine learning, artificial intelligence and Bayesian inference on the analysis of XRF spectra

Round Table II - Application driven Fundamental Parameter values and need of further improvements