Family Incarceration Resources

Children Of Incarcerated Parents Partnership (COIPP)

This organization provides support and resources for children impacted by an incarcerated loved one.

Website link

Justice & Recovery Advocates, Inc. 

This organization provides services to children and families whose loved ones were incarcerated or formerly-incarcerated individuals with mental health and substance use disorders. They also provide those loved ones with health and wellness programs, re-entry and recovery services, as well as other support groups and resources.

Website link 

Families Impacted by Incarceration Program (FIIP)

This free program offers parenting classes and workshops for those who are incarcerated, as well as family coaching through the MHA. 

Website  link

Family Partnership

This organization provides resources as well as parent education support groups to help families meet their basic needs and successfully navigate life's challenges.

Website link

Family Partnership referral

Referido para servicios de Family Partnership

Girl Scouts Beyond Bars

This supportive leadership program allows participating girls and their imprisoned mothers the chance to participate in Girl Scouts activities together.

Website link

Juvenile Entry Diversion Initiative (JEDI) 

This program offers first-time youth offenders the chance to complete 90-days of  community and restorative work in order to maintain a clean juvenile record.

Website link

Prison Fellowship Angel Tree

This program through the Salvation Army provides Christmas gifts, summer and sports camps to children with an incarcerated loved one.

Website link

Sesame Street Workshop: Incarceration Resources

This website provides age-appropriate online resources for children with incarcerated loved ones. 

Website link