How to Apply

Applying to CTC is a competitive application process that involves both your high school and CTC. It is a fair process that includes reviewing your application, grades, attendance and shadow evaluation form.

If you are accepted into a CTC program, you will receive confirmation directly from the Career & Technology Center.

More details regarding the application process can be found in the FAQs.

The Frederick County Public Schools does not discriminate in admissions, access, treatment, or employment in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, gender, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or disability. For more information, call the Executive Director of Legal Services, (301) 696-6851.

Shadowing a CTC Program

Select a program you wish to shadow by talking with your high school counselor or by visiting our web site. Shadowing is mandatory for applying to any course offered at CTC. The shadow process allows you to come over and visit with the teacher and get an experience of what it would be like in the class. Transportation is provided from your high school.

Shadows are scheduled by the high school counseling office. If you are interested in shadowing a CTC program check with your high school counseling office for the school specific procedure to schedule a shadow.

On the scheduled day of your shadow, you will board the CTC bus from your high school to travel to CTC. Check with your high school for the time and location of the CTC bus pickup.

Once you have arrived at CTC a staff member will be at the front door to assist you in finding the meeting room for the orientation. Please feel free to ask any staff member or CTC student for help.

All shadows for that day will meet with the CTC school counseling department for a brief overview of what you can expect during the shadow and to review the application process and deadlines. After the orientation you will be taken to the program you are shadowing that day.

When your shadowing experience is over, you will board the CTC bus for your high school and return to your high school. CTC staff members will be available at dismissal to help you get on the correct bus.

More information regarding the shadowing process can be found in the FAQs.