Health Room

Health Room Nurse - Kathryn Blorstad

Health Room Techniciain - Chasidy Gates

Introduction from the School Nurse

Nurse Introduction Letter SY23-24 CMS

Medication in the Health Room

Medication/Treatment Orders from your Health Care Provider

The medication/treatment authorization form(s) specific to your child's health/medication needs must be renewed at the beginning of each school year. Forms are available online at or at your child's school.

Maryland regulation dictates that we determine expiration dates as follows: (1) one year from the dispensing date on the pharmacy label or, (2) the expiration date on the medication package, whichever comes first.

To ensure your child's medication/treatment needs are met at the start of the school year submit medications/supplies, and completed forms to the health room. Please contact the health room in advance to ensure availability of School Health staff.

School health staff will review physician orders/medications. It is the parent/guardian responsibility to ensure that medications/orders are compliant with state regulation. Please do not send your child to school with medications. Per FCPS Reg 400-23, it is the parent/guardian responsibility to deliver physician orders/medications directly to School Health staff.

Immunization Information

Click here.

Immunization Reminders & Walk-In Clinic Information