About us:

The Gaming Rocket is a talk show from Seth and Matthew that plays old classic games like Mario, Zelda, and more. We have also been playing rated M games, so make sure you are ready for that when it comes up. We'll be playing the games and giving a live commentary as we go through them. Hope you enjoy our site and videos stay for more, you won't regret it. ✌️

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Episode 1: Mashing

Come join Matthew and Seth to play WarioWare and enjoy the show. WarioWare is a collection of micro-games you play against your partner to see who is the better player and who can get the most points.


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Episode 2: Monkey Time

Matt and Seth play Donkey Kong Country and try their best to get fast the levels. Seth struggles a little bit at the start, maybe you would to. What do you think?


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Episode 3: More monkey time with a sleepy monkey

Matt and Seth return to Donkey Kong for this episode. Matt gets a bit tired during the episode, I'm pretty sure we all get tired during the day, don't you think.


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Episode 4: No they aren't zombies

This game is rated Mature, and if you do watch it beware to see blood. This time Matt and Seth change it up a bit and play a different kind of game than usual. This is one of the first resident evil games and you can see the difference in new vs old graphics.


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Episode 5: Matt is a Robot

In this episode we continue with Resident Evil 4, but Matt messed up his voice. Not in a terrible way, but you'll have to see it when you watch the video. This episode also includes Matt's disregard for saving up bullets.


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Episode 6: Eggs Aren't Round

In this episode of res 4, Matt and Seth ponders the use of an egg and gets blown up(again). Featuring a couple of naughty words(not prominent throughout the video).


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Episode 7: Feesh

In this episode of res 4, Matt and Seth finds out what eggs are used for and goes on a splendid fishing trip where nothing goes wrong.


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Episode 8: Hey, it's that dog!

In this episode of res 4, Matt and Seth finds some dogs, we meet an old companion, lose a new companion, and fight El Gigante.


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Episode 9: Duo Disaster

In this episode, we continue with Ashley (who is unharmed) and meet back up with another old friend. Also, we get the blue collectible gun.

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Episode 10: No dog this time...

In this episode, we fight El Gigante again, get through the cabin section, and reach a canyon.

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Episode 11: Really, that's it?

In this episode, we venture through a canyon to get to another cabin (shocking) where we find the big coat and bearded guy, I forgot his name. Eh, whatever, it won't matter soon.

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Episode 12:

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Episode 13:

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Episode 14:

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Episode 15: