My Friends and Their Thoughts

My Friends and Their Thoughts

Here on My Friends and Their Thoughts, we talk about all different types of movies and share our thoughts. Enjoy!

Episode 1: Minuscule Store of Fears

In this fun episode of MFATT we discuss the amazing movie/musical that is Little Shop of Horrors. This is basically all praise and some criticism.

Epidsode 2:

Ruler of the Bands: The Comradeship of the Bands

On this episode of MFATT, we talk about the award winning movie Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings and how it is a great opening movie for this amazing trilogy.

Episode 3: Announcements and Rise of Skywalker

On this episode of MFATT, Ren has an announcement to make, and Ren and a special guest talk about theories on the new Star Wars film.

Episode 4: Ruler of the Bands: Buildings x2

On this episode of MFATT, we talk about the award winning movie Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and how it continues the greatness from the first movie.