
Athletic Director - Briana Drake -

Athletic Secretary - Leticia Ramirez

Fort Bragg Middle School provides various opportunities for athletic participation, including volleyball, basketball, wrestling, softball and soccer.  We believe students can gain valuable experience in working with coaches and teammates in a group effort.  Just as in the classroom, respect, effort, and cooperation are emphasized on all teams.  Skill building and player development are important goals of the program as well.  Student-athletes will have the chance to travel to other schools for competition, including tournaments.  It is our hope that positive extracurricular experiences will lead to continued participation in high school, increased school pride, and strengthened connections with peers and the community.

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You must complete the online application to be cleared for sports.  Please visit:  Athletic Clearance and follow the directions.  Please see the link below if you have questions.

Presentamos la nueva forma de enviar el paquete deportivo para ser aclarado para los deportes. Por favor visite: Aclaración Atlética y siga las instrucciones. Favor de mirar el enlace a continuación si tiene preguntas.

Instrucciones de aclaraciones deportivas en la red 

Private Driver Form - These forms must be completed if you are planning to drive students other than your own to and from games.  You must have the forms filled out and signed, a copy of your DMV driving record (most records supplied from insurance companies are not accepted), a copy of your drivers license and a copy of your insurance showing the liability limits (100/300/50).  Insurance cards normally do not have the liability limits and are not accepted.  Fingerprints are now required.

Sports by Season

Athletic Calendar

Coaches - please complete the required forms prior to the start of your season.

For travel purposes, please click the link above to access the addresses for each school district/site.