Grow the Good Garden


The Garden Bench - Royce Whitaker and Adonis Clawson

The Garden Bench - Royce Whitaker and Adonis Clawson

6th grade student's garden bed

6th grade student's garden bed

Winter- January 2012

By Petra Schulte


With the help of many dedicated community members Campbell Timberland Management established the Grow The Good Garden in 2008 at Fort Bragg Middle School. Students have enjoyed growing food in the garden and trying nutritious taste tests.

Initially the doors were adequate but several storms tore the zippers and plastic covers leaving plants unprotected. Campbell Timberland Management decided to install new double-wall polycarbonate sliding doors to facilitate easy entrance to the greenhouse and secure it from winter storms. They installed motorized aluminum shutters and three exhaust fans, which transformed the hoop house into a well-functioning greenhouse. Campbell Timberland Management not only bought all the materials but also involved many of their talented personnel to get the project done. Fort Bragg Electric installed all the controls and wiring for the climate control and provided electricity for garden starts.

The partnership between Fort Bragg Middle School and Campbell Timberland Management is an example of how school and business works together for the good of our community. Thank you Campbell Timberland from all of us at Fort Bragg Middle School.

What else is new at Grow The Good Garden? With the help of two teachers, more than a dozen sixth grade students started a garden club, which meets twice a week during lunch. Students are able to grow their own flowers and vegetables and help maintain community garden beds. The middle school students have creative ideas and plans to beautify the garden with artwork, signs, and other decorative items. Also on their list of activities is the annual plant sale in May, and we are all expecting a huge turnout! Something good is always happening at Fort Bragg Middle School.

Two members of the 6th grade garden club

Two members of the 6th grade garden club

Employees of Campbell Hawthorne

Employees of Campbell Hawthorne

October 5, 2011

We are privileged to have a school garden thanks to many dedicated community members and especially The Campbell Group, who donated labor and materials to build the garden.

Currently Campbell employees are replacing the plastic front and back entrances of the hoop house with more permanent doors. This will ensure that plants are protected during winter storms. They also will install a full ventilation system and climate controller. We are very thankful for their continued involvement in the garden!

Here are some statistics for the first six weeks of gardening at GTGG:

  • We harvested 265 pounds of produce and donated 49 pounds to the senior center.
  • Students enjoy coming to the garden (734 times so far) and love to eat the produce.
  • Sixth grade students help out in the garden during lunch and sometimes get to take some produce home to their families.
  • Physical Education students help maintain the garden.
  • During the summer months several community volunteers helped in the garden.

We are Growing the Good Garden.

Employee of Campbell Hawthorne

Employee of Campbell Hawthorne

October 1, 2010

Here are some statistics for the first six weeks of gardening at GTGG:

  • We harvested 186 pounds of produce and had 1103+ students participating in/visiting the garden.
  • Last Monday we had four master gardeners come to the garden and do three lessons on gatherers for all 6thgrade social studies classes. Several teachers bring their classes to the garden on a regular basis.
  • We now have a student aide 3rd period.
  • Teachers Meghan Miller and Crhis Hoy continue to be a strong presence and great partners in the garden. The cafeteria staff loves getting our produce. Our PE teachers value garden work as a physical activity.
  • The students love coming to the garden. They love to eat the produce.
  • We have enough money to put more beds under drip to conserve water and people power. Various staff members water the garden during our weeks off.
  • We received $1500 from Western Growers Foundation.

We are Growing the Good Garden.