Social Emotional Tools/Games

Mindfulness Strategies

Step 1: Click on the picture to sign the pledge.

​Step 2: Post the pledge card that you will receive via email on your fridge, door, mirror, or any other central place in your home.

 Step 3: Post a picture of yourself with the pledge card on your social media and invite others to join the commitment to promote positive mental health and healing from trauma with the hashtag  #30DaysOfMentalHealth.

Step 4: Check your inbox for a guide with tips on how to talk with children about mental health and mental illness, and links to a range of mental health digital books that you can choose from to read with children.

Step 5: Each day for 30 consecutive weekdays you will receive a mental health conversation starter.

HealthWellness SelfAwareness Activites.pdf
BrainBreaksandSelfRegulationRollSomeFunFreebies (1).pdf