Spartan Iron

Spartan Iron is to be used as positive reinforcement for good behavior schoolwide. Teachers are asked to enhance their interactions with students by finding three positive behaviors for each negative behavior exhibited by the student. This positive behavior might not always occur in the student receiving Iron, but may result in some type of positive interaction (Ex. Call home, post card, note in agenda, encouragement, etc.).

This is a positive reward that should not be used as a whole class reward, rather used for individual students who go above and beyond in one of our character areas (Respect, Grit, Optimism, Gratitude, and Kindness). Example: Do not pass out for every student who scored an A on the math test. However, if a student had been struggling with a concept and the light bulb went off and they got it, sure, hand out a card and let them know what a great job they did.

The student will be given a card by a staff member when they have been seen demonstrating the “Southern Way.” Teachers who distribute Spartan Iron must sign the back of the Spartan Iron card, write the student name on it, and check the character trait the student displayed. These cards are printed on card stock. Students may save the cards in order to purchase items in the morning (designated days), but Spartan Iron is non-transferable to other students and will not be replaced when lost or stolen. The teacher/volunteer stationed at the front entrance shall collect the Iron and distribute the items purchased. Items for purchase might include, but are not limited to:

o Computer pass (at teacher discretion)

o School Supplies

o Eat lunch with a friend

o Phone Time (at teacher discretion)

o Gum pass (at teacher discretion)

o Buy back a mark (at teacher discretion)

o Homework Pass/Bonus Points (at teacher discretion)

o Free entry into an athletic event

o Pass to see a teacher before/during school

o Pass to drink water in class (at teacher discretion)

o Free gym time (designated times)

o Dress down Days

o Classroom Rewards (as determined by teacher)

**The Spartan Iron received from the store will be kept in the front office and periodic teacher drawings will be conducted by administration.