Battle of the Books
Breakfast Schedule

2024-25 BOB

**Please Note  Due to availability issues at GSE Library and the Public Library, students may not have gotten a chance to read the particular book being discussed at that week’s meeting---and that’s OK!  Students will still find the discussion valuable and we will also be reviewing other books read during our time together so, if a child has not read the book being discussed that week, we hope they still feel free to join us.  There is plenty to be gained from any discussion and reviewing will help keep the details fresh until spring when the scrimmaging begins.   

Meetings are non-mandatory and are held each THURSDAY from 7:15am to 7:45am in the GSE Library-Media Center
                      (Students can just come straight to the library as soon as their bus, ride etc. arrives at school)

* Just In Case Someone is sick back up snack provided by AYA

**March-April Exam, Scrimmage and Afternoon Practice information will be sent out when District dates are official