General Resources

FCPS Curriculum Outline

Since there isn't unlimited time to teach Digital Citizenship, it's important to cover the information with students in a way that's meaningful as well as efficient. The district has created a curriculum outline that rotates focus topics by grade level -- while still covering all topics required -- and strives to touch on different aspects of Internet Safety. 

Schools are not required to follow this curriculum. You may prefer to use the revised Common Sense Media curriculum which touches equally on the three major topics of Online Behavior, Cyberbullying, and Social Networking. The new curriculum is greatly improved and now aligns the lessons to specific grades. 

In the FCPS Curriculum, please note the Common Sense Media Lessons are assigned according to the focus topic; this type of assignment may ignore the Common Sense Media grade level noted on the lesson itself.

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ISTE Digital Citizenship Standards

Resources for Implementing Instruction

Resources for Students

social media guidelinesfinalrevised.pdf

Resources to Share With Parents

As your school hosts parent or technology nights -- or just updates families via websites or email -- here are some resources to use. Please feel free to share any you create so they may be posted here.

Articial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning 

The U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology’s new policy report, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning: Insights and Recommendations, addresses the clear need for sharing knowledge, engaging educators, and refining technology plans and policies for artificial intelligence (AI) use in education. The report describes AI as a rapidly-advancing set of technologies for recognizing patterns in data and automating actions, and guides educators in understanding what these emerging technologies can do to advance educational goals—while evaluating and limiting key risks.