Social Emotional Learning


What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is defined as a type of meditation or practice to help us focus on being intensely aware of what we are sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. It involves breathing methods, guided imagery, dance, and other practices to relax our body and mind and help reduce stress. -Mayo Clinic

Breathing Strategies

Breathing strategies will help you to feel a calmness in your body. These skills can help when you feel emotions like anger, stress, or too much excited energy.

Guided Meditation

This exercise will help you to visualize a story in your mind, and will help you melt away stressful energy.

Social Emotional Skills


Let's learn all about our different emotions. We'll also learn how to name them, express them in an appropriate manner, and how to handle negative emotions.

During this time all of us are experiencing different emotions, which is totally fine and totally expected. You have to remember that it is important to be able to name the emotion that you are feeling. Once you have done that the next important thing you should do it talk to you your caregivers about how you are feeling. This is a funny video about identifying feelings. After you watch it, please click on the link below and you will be able to do an activity where you get to practice identifying how someone is feeling.


Sesame Street Story Builder Activity- You can create the story as you go along, and this will also help you practice identifying and understanding feelings and emotions!

After listening to the story, The Way I Feel, please complete the activities below to practice what you have learned!

Know your feelings( grades 3-5)

Tree House Designer


Resilience is a very important skill to have, it helps us to keep going when we feel like something may be to hard to accomplish. Remember if you try to do a something and you mess up, or fail at it, it is OKAY!!! We learn so much from not being able to do things, and it also helps us to try harder. These experiences help us to build resilience. Resilience is a skill that we continue to develop over time.


"Confidence means feeling sure of yourself and your abilities — not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic, secure way. Confidence isn't about feeling superior to others. It's a quiet inner knowledge that you're capable. ... feel ready for everyday challenges like tests, performances, and competitions." - via

Positive Self-Talk / Affirmations

Affirmations are anything you say or think about yourself. These can be positive or negative. If you find that you are constantly saying or thinking negative things about yourself, you may want to start using positive affirmations everyday. This will help improve your self-esteem and belief in your abilities.

Positive self talk and Affirmations help us feel good about ourselves and help us embrace our positive qualities. Positive self talk and Affirmations help us to be okay with being different and uniquely who we are!

You Are Amazing Just The Way You Are!!!

Try using some of these Affirmations

  1. There is no one better to be than myself.

  2. I am enough.

  3. I get better every single day.

  4. I can do anything I put my mind to.

  5. Mistakes help me grow.

  6. I am capable of so much.

  7. I believe in myself.

  8. All of my problems have a solution.

  9. I can do it

SEL Choiceboard

Here is a choice board that contains different activities for you to do. You can do these activities at home with the people that you live with. These activities will help you practice your social-emotional skills. Try to do 2 of them a day!