Beaumont Middle School Library

Did you miss the news this morning or need to double check an announcement?  Click here to access the Beaumont Homestretch YouTube channel.

Book Fair March 3rd - 7th

We'd like to welcome you to our annual book fair.  Stop by to check out the many books and items that we have for purchase.  Please visit the book fair website to learn more about the books and other products that will be offered.  You can also set up an ewallet, while you are there.


HOURS:  Monday through Friday 8:35am-8:50am and 9:05am-3:50pm

Thursday evening from 5:00pm-7:30pm

6th grade unit 2

6th grade ELA

Living with technology can make life easier, or more difficult.  Click the book covers above to watch a book trailer.

7th grade unit 2

7th grade ELA

Everyone faces some kind of adversity when growing up.  Click on the book trailers above to learn more about them.

8th grade unit 2

8th grade ELA

In life, we all eventually need to take a stand on an issue that is important to us.  Click on the book trailers above to learn more about them.


Allyson Ellingsworth, Library Media Specialist

Rosemary Florence, Library Clerk