Case study 2022 – 2023 β€’ Spotify


Video strategy

Pivoting listeners from existing intents to find new use cases for Spotify

Co-founded a small team, which explored and prototyped opportunities to level-up our video experience across Spotify. How might we… pivot background listening into an intent to watch Spotify.

This led to company bets on video. We honed product strategy by studying data, refining our narrative into actionable insights, and getting opinionated about beliefs. Our group refined these across a series of forums we ran with Experience Mission leadership.

Instrumental introducing new video content propositions across product toward general availability.

Consulting with entity modelling working group of Staff & Senior Staff Engineers to introduce new video formats coherently. Through to motion, interaction and UI specification at squad level for video features. Such as picture in picture for video podcasts.

Rallying working groups across product, engineering and design to solve gnarly cross-platform interaction problems. Like: how best to preview autoplaying video when scrolled into view while protecting the current session audio.

Rapidly iterating on ideas to feasible shippable increments.