
Rethinking Traffic Flow in the Era of Electric Vehicles with Driver Assistance and Automation (NSF) (2023-2025)

Solving the Data Accuracy Problem of Intelligent Transportation Systems devices in District 4 (FDOT) (2023-2024)

Connected Vehicle Data to Assist Traffic Decision-Making in District 4 (FDOT) ((2023-2024)

Developing Coordinated Arterial Traffic Signal Timing Plans near Freeway Ramp Signals (FDOT) (2022-2023)

Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Performance Targets for FDOT District 4 (FDOT) (2022)

Evaluation Methodologies for SR-710 Connected Vehicle (CV) Pilot Project, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) (2021-2022)

Performance Measures Framework for SW 10th St. Smart Work Zone Project, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) (2021-2022)

Development of System-wide Traffic Responsive Ramp Signal System (RSS), Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) (2021-2022)

Update of District Four Benefit-Cost Analysis Procedures, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) (2021-2022)

Recommendations for Transportation System Management and Operation (TSM&O) Performance Measure Management Plan, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) (2020-2021)

I-95 Express Lane Operation: Impacts of Ramp Signaling and Tolling Rates and Strategies Phase I, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) (2020-2021)

Identification and Application of Implementable Research Outcomes from FAU TSM&O Projects (2019-2020)

Multiresolution Analysis of the Impacts of Complete Streets on Efficiency, Safety and Environment of Urban Corridors (2019-2020)

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) 

Systems and Modeling for Accelerated Research in Transportation (SMART) Mobility Laboratory Consortium