
What is NameCoach?

Our names are central to our unique identities, and saying them correctly is the first step in connecting with, respecting, and appreciating one another. 

NameCoach aims to solve the common problem of name mispronunciation and gender pronoun communication in as many critical settings as possible. 

NameCoach provides a simple and effective solution: audio name pronunciations embedded online to easily learn and remember how to say them. Perfectly. 

➡️ NameCoach in Canvas

In your Canvas course, you'll see a NameCoach button in your course menu.  When a Canvas user clicks on it they will be able to record their own name as well as hear the pronunciation of others in their class who have recorded their names. 

Once you've recorded your name, any course you are enrolled in, your NameCoach recording will sync to.  You may re-record your name at any time. 

↓ Tips for recording your NameCoach in Canvas ↓

NameCoach in Canvas
This is a Google slide deck, use the arrows to advance through and the arrow in the upper right to open bigger.

Faculty Tools to help remind users to record via NameCoach

NameCoach in Canvas Faculty Tools
This is a Google slide deck, use the arrows to advance through and the arrow in the upper right to open bigger.

➡️ Campus Wide NameCoach Use

Everyone at F&M is invited to use NameCoach.   We encourage our F&M community to participate to help foster a more inclusive environment.  Adding your NameCoach to your email signature line is a great first step!

At times you might be given a custom NameCoach form to participate in for the correct pronunciation of your name for an event.   An example of this would be graduation.

 The easiest way to get started is by navigating to and follow the directions.  

Join F&M NameCoach
This is a Google slide deck, use the arrows to advance through and the arrow in the upper right to open bigger.

➡️ Adding NameCoach to Your Email Signature

The best way to share your name pronunciation with the F&M Community and beyond is by adding it to your email signature.  

Once you go through the steps to join F&M NameCoach, follow the steps below to add it to your email.  

Add NameCoach to Your Email Signature
This is a Google slide deck, use the arrows to advance through and the arrow in the upper right to open bigger.