International Peer Mentor Page

Want to know who are your international peer mentors? Want to know what events are happening on campus? Need academic support? Struggling to adjust to a new environment? Looking for places to eat, shop, and hang out? You can find all the information here!

International Peer Mentors

Learn more about the 2024-25 Peer Mentors - who they are, how they can help, or how you can partner!

International Student Advisory Board (ISAB)

Learn more about ISAB and how ISAB can advocate for you!

Choosing Your Major Panel

If you missed our Choosing Your Major Panel, you can download the recording here!

Coffee Hour Schedule

During the semester,  weekly Coffee Hours will be hosted in Joseph International Center. 

When: Friday, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM  (Registration is NOT required!!)

Where*: Joseph International Center (JIC)

What do we do: Mainly eating and chatting! We collaborate with student-run clubs or organizations on campus, providing international students and domestic students the opportunity to learn about the clubs and organizations and to find a group that gives them a sense of belonging. 

If you want to partner on an upcoming coffee hour, please reach out to Angelina Horst, International Adviser,