Spring Research Fair

Welcome from President Altmann

In a normal year, our spring research fair is an event that converts our Martin Library of the Sciences into a labyrinth of posters and presentation boards during the College’s “A Closer Look” event for admitted students and their families.

This year, we have the benefit of a virtual event, which enables us to share our students’ academic pursuits with a much bigger F&M audience. I invite you to explore the website, and enjoy this glimpse into the fascinating and wide-ranging research conducted every day at F&M.

Even in the midst of a pandemic and through the challenges of hybrid learning, Diplomats embrace learning by doing. Across campus and around the world, our students conduct collaborative and independent research side-by-side – and this year, screen-to-screen – with distinguished F&M faculty. Colleges and universities have three fundamental mandates: to preserve knowledge, transmit knowledge, and create knowledge. A very high percentage of our students participate in the creation of knowledge by working with faculty on original research, and it is our pride and pleasure to share some of that important work through the Research Fair.

Essential support for this hallmark of the F&M experience includes contributions to our capital campaign: Now to Next: the Campaign for Franklin & Marshall. Bold new investments in academic excellence will ensure that we continue to deliver an education that prepares leaders ready to meet the intractable challenges of a changing world.

Thank you for your interest in research at F&M and your inspiring support of our faculty and students, for right now and for everything that comes next.

Barbara K. Altmann

President and Professor of French

List of Projects

Becca M. Barter '21, DAM! That's a Lot of Sediment

Nart Shalqini '22, Tilings of the Unit Square

Caroline S. C. Tippett '21 and Marina Malcolm '21, Functional Studies of Protein ABC in Mitotic and Post-Mitotic Cells

Hangqi Zheng '22, Jixian New Village