Worship and Children
“Let the children come to me; do not stop them, for it is to
such as these that the kingdom of God belongs."
such as these that the kingdom of God belongs."
Children are always welcome in worship 😊
The presence of our children is a gift to the church. They are members of this community, living reminders of the vitality of the church, and teachers of simple and profound things.
Please remember we want this to always be a welcome and safe place for the children and for all people. How adults welcome the littlest ones, display good boundaries, and practice healthy inter-generational relationships will shape their formation in this place.
Relax and Enjoy!
ALL ARE WELCOME! That means you, your children, everyone! We are an intergenerational community. It is part of what makes church unique.You are welcome to sit up front
It's easier for the little ones to see and hear up there! If you do need more freedom to move around, feel free to utilize the open chapel area at the back of the worship space--rocking chairs included.Safe Speeds
Please help your children walk (not run) in the church. It's safer for them and for older members (who may be more likely to take a fall). This is one easy way we can look out for each other.Make a Joyful Noise!
Sing the hymns, pray the prayers, stand and sit, bring even the littlest ones up for communion. Children learn the liturgy by taking part... sometimes they even show us how!Come and Go
If you need to step out of the service, feel free... but come back! 😀 Jesus said, "Let the children come to me." Just as the children learn from the grown-ups, the grown-ups learn from the children by worshiping together. That said, this is public worship. Worship is both an individual and a communal experience. And if your child is just in more of an individual mood today, you are welcome to experiment with taking them for a walk in the narthex... or in the garden... or utilize the nursery for children (ages 5 & under)... or walk around the building! 😀 Most importantly, don't give up -- this is all part of the process of being in community together.