Liturgical Worship

Here at Faith, the Sunday gathering is the principle worship of our community. In common with the early church, we use historical and well-established formats -- or patterns -- to help us harmonize our worship together. These patterns are called "Liturgies."

If you are unfamiliar with liturgies, they are guides that let you know when to sit, when to stand, and what to say. The regular structures and patterns help us relax and let go of worrying what will come next so that we can instead focus on prayerful meditation and participation. And if you find the written liturgy is just too much the first time visiting, rest assured you are welcome to just relax and experience the worship service in your own way.

Our core worship resource for liturgies is Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW), published in 2006. The Lutheran church has a strong musical tradition, and within ELW are found many different settings for the liturgy, plus hymns from all times and places.

Different occasions call for different liturgies. And many liturgies have various musical settings to keep things either fresh and interesting or well-known and historical. We typically change settings with each major season of the church year.

A great resource that describes typical Lutheran worship practices.

All are Welcome

Visitors expected.