Login to Soundtrap

Login using the link from your email for the first time:

    1. Follow the link from your email from your teacher.

    2. Press "new user" and then "Sign up with Google." You either need to be logged into your Fairport.org email address or enter your email and password.

    3. Next, you should see the Soundtrap homepage. Press "Enter Studio" to start creating!

Next time you go to log in:

    • Simply press "Login" from the www.soundtrap.com homepage and then use Google to complete--be sure to use your Fairport.org email!

    • You can also log in using the link from you email, but instead of choosing "new user," select "existing user."

If the link from your email doesn't work:

    • Login using an invite code: Go to www.soundtrap.com and press "Join." Then select "educational use" and "Join as a student." Next, it will ask you for an invitation code. Enter the code sent by your teacher in your email. You must use your Fairport email. Use Google to log in, and make sure you are logged into your Fairport student email.