McKinley Elementary Family Bulletin

Our Core Values: Safe, Respectful, Responsible

This family bulletin is updated every Friday. Please check often for news and updates and contact us with any questions. Follow us on Twitter McKinleyFairfield@McKinleyCares

Teresa Gingrave, Principal

Eric Therriault, Elementary Program Facilitator

Christine Petrino, Secretary

School phone: (203) 255-8318

VERY IMPORTANT: As we prepare to go back to school full days it is crucial that you fill out the survey sent this week by our superintendent. We will need to know your commitment for the year. Will your child be learning full time remotely or full time in school? The survey is due Wednesday.

PTA Corner

Join the PTA for a meet and greet at McKinley on Monday 10/19. The first session will be from 9:15-9:45 and the second session from 1:15-1:45. We will meet under the tent in the back by the cafeteria but if the weather is nice we might move it to the garden area. Bring your own coffee or tea and wear a mask. We will share some information about the PTA, school, and answer questions.

PTA Website Click HERE


Second grade is off to a great start. Students learned the new routines and expectations of our hybrid learning plans and are doing great!

In reading, students know how to select Just Right books using our own library books (in Ziplok bags) and by using the many online resources available to them like Capstone, Big Universe, and Raz Kids.

In math, students are learning fact strategies and number sense within 20. All students are required to go on Xtra Math each night to build their fluency. This is so important this year. Please reach out if you need any help with this.

In writing, we are writing our personal narrative stories that include a beginning, middle, and end as well as details and transition words.

Please remember your child also has Google Classroom lessons that must be completed in order to stay on track with our second grade curriculum. I realize this can be challenging but it is important. Please also remember to log into the Google Meets for their scheduled specials (Art, Music, PE, Library Learning).

Thank you for your support!

The Second Grade Team


Dear Parents,

Thank you for keeping up with the health recommendations! Our school is doing great and it is amazing to see how your children are doing their very best to follow our safety protocols!

Again, we can do so much in the school but we depend on YOU, the parents, to keep your children safe and masked OUTSIDE the school hours. With Halloween approaching, I am worry that some might want to relax the rules. We have to remember that there will be consequences that might affect our school and stop the in person education.

I heard from some staff that some students were having birthday parties and sleepovers. These are the kind of activities that are at high risk for spreading viruses. PLEASE follow the guidelines from the state about gatherings. Outdoor distancing for birthdays are a safe way to make your child feels special. Be creative!

Lastly, please call the school to report if your child is absent. If they have any symptoms from the COVID daily check list, call me directly to let me know. My phone number is below.

For any other absences, please call the attendee line.

Stay well!

Guylaine Kinney

McKinley school nurse

60 Thompson street

Fairfield CT 06825



Please use this checklist HERE as a guide every time your child comes to school. Thank you for helping us stay safe!

STAR testing in reading is in progress and will continue this week for grades 1. Starting Tuesday we will begin the math portion of STAR. This assessment provides us with useful data on students' proficiency in reading and math. Results of this assessment will allow us to identify the strengths and areas of further support your child will need. Please talk to your child about his test and reinforce that they should try their best!

Children may wear costumes to school on Friday, October 30th if they like – no props and must be appropriate – no masks (They have to wear their COVID mask for safety). Those who don’t want to wear a costume or don’t have one – we ask to wear something with either school spirit or black and orange to celebrate together.

Remote Academy and Retakes

SAVE THE DATE! Picture retake day and Remote Academy picture day is Friday, November 6. Please see schedule in the next bulletin.

Hybrid students: If you are at all unsatisfied with your pictures taken in September, please keep them in the envelope and send them into school with your child on Friday November 6 with any notes on the envelope with what you didn’t like. If you need any customer assistance (questions, missing orders, incorrect orders, etc.), please contact Coffeepond directly at or 1-800-632-2323 ext “0”.

For any questions about picture day on November 6, please contact

Our first lockdown drill went very well. Teachers explained to students our procedures should an emergency arise.

Our school librarian and media specialist, Mrs. Quezada, spent 1/2 hour with children in all grades teaching them essential tech skills they need to know and understand.


Please continue to order breakfast and lunch if you wish on IC. See important information HERE

Breakfast Menu

Lunch Menu

For more information visit the Food Services Website HERE

Technology Update:

If your child needs a device please fill this form HERE

If you have an IPad we suggest you seek another device that is easier to work with Google Classroom.

We have daily tech help at McKinley starting Tuesday 9/29/20 from 9:30-2:00. Please enter directly by the playground into the library.

Any questions/tech support contact:

PTA: online fundraiser going on right now called Boon previously mixed bags. Can you please include the link in your newsletter