Guided Research 2

Unfair Working Conditions: Andrew Carnegie and the Steel Industry

Research Question:

How did the progressives solve the social and political challenges created by modernization?


How did the invention of steel change how we worked?


Steel was invented.

Railroads were being built across America and steel was needed to build the railroad tracks. So steel was a good business to be in.

Steel also allowed factories to be built to produce other things.

Steel allowed buildings to be taller and skyscrapers to be first built.

The invention of steel.

WATCH: Discovery Education - The Success of Steel

Big Business and Andrew Carnegie

Read: Andrew Carnegie, First Man of Steel in the Cobblestone magazine edition called "Captains of Industry" in the library - p10


What problems did that create?

The owners of steel mills wanted to make money. At that time, no one thought workers had rights. There was no weekend. Workers worked 7 days a week and had no vacations or days off. The conditions in the factories were dangerous and there were no laws to force owners to keep their workers safe.


What changes were made that made things better?

How do these changes impact our lives today?