Guided Research 1 

Unfair Working Conditions: Child Labor in Coal Mines

Research Question:

How did the progressives solve the social and political challenges created by modernization?


What exciting inventions changed the way we lived and worked? 


The Industrial Revolution! 

The Steam Engine was invented.

We harnessed electricity and invented the light bulb, the radio and other things that needed electricity.

We built factories to make the new inventions.

What good things came from the Industrial Revolution?

Watch the video, read the article and take notes.


What problems did that create?  

One of the problems was:

Child Labor in the Coal Mines

What kind of problems did the need for coal create?

PROBLEM: Child Labor in the Coal Mines

What problems did that create?   

The Industrial Revolution and all the new technologies required power. Power, or electricity, was made by burning coal. Coal comes from mining underground. Because children were cheap labor, many boys were hired in the coal mines, so they could produce coal at cheaper prices.

Watch the video and read the article. Take notes!

1. Watch the Video - Breaker Boys - 5:33 mins

2. Read or listen to the article:


What changes were made that made things better?

How do these changes impact our lives today?

PROGRESS: On child labor

What changes were made that made things better?

Go through these resources and take notes.

Lewis Hine:

Laws that changed:

4. Read  Cobblestone: It's the Law article   or read the print version in the library.

Now that you know a lot about this issue, try to research some of the topics you learned about. 

What other interesting facts can you find?

What other topics does this connect to?