PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and is an organized, data driven system of interventions and strategies that address school-wide and individualized behavior planning by utilizing research and data-based information to maintain up-to-date best practice strategies. Using PBIS assists us in increasing our capacity to understand and effectively respond to problematic behaviors and helps us develop a structure for reducing frequent minor behavior issues by fostering a positive and preventative approach. PBIS positively impacts our school culture through the nurturing of a unified, systemic approach and philosophy for working with children.  

Video Explaining South's PBIS Plan

PBIS Introduction for Parents.mp4

View Our PBIS Guide for Families

PBIS Family Guide (2023-2024 SY) (1).pdf

Goal 1

Establish a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm.

Goal 2

Be proactive by establishing PBIS processes to promote positive behavior. 

South Elementary Tiered 

Systems of Support

Tiered Pyramid of Supports

South Earns State-Wide Recognition for PBIS!

Fairfield South Elementary School has been recognized for its success with Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS).  PBIS involves teaching students expected behaviors in a consistent and positive way, modeling and acknowledging those behaviors and helping all students meet expectations and be successful.  PBIS has been shown to improve student achievement, student behavior and school climate.  

In 2015, Ohio PBIS Network first recognized schools that were model examples of effective PBIS implementation.  South Elementary School applied and earned the Bronze level for the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school year as well as the Silver Level for the 2022-2023 school year.  They are one of 375 award-winning schools to be recognized at any of the levels: Gold (41), Silver (80), or Bronze (238).  South Elementary will be honored at the 2023 Ohio PBIS Showcase, which is held annually in conjunction with the Ohio Leadership Advisory Council (OLAC).