Mr. Hall

7th Grade Math

Welcome to the 2020 - 2021 School Year! It does not look like anything that any of us are used to, but we are going to have a successful school year!

I hope that this website provides you with some guidance to help you figure out where and when you need to be different places as well as provide all the resources you need to be successful in my class. Please take a cruise through the different pages and check things out. You will find many of the questions you have or links you need can be found here. I am looking forward to this new school year.

Mr. Hall


7th & 8th grade Enrichment 20-21

Ground Rules for Our Virtual Classroom

  1. Cameras on! I need to be able to confirm that YOU are present in class. Speaking of which, camera ready means that you are awake. That's it. No need to be fancy. There are several experts that have recommended getting up and dressed for your day even if you are working from home. It sets up your focus for the day, but I am not judging your choices of clothing. One point - If I can see a logo or graphic on your clothes, it needs to be school appropriate.

  2. Be on time! In the beginning you will receive some slack but after the first week you have no excuses for not knowing where to go. There is a schedule under "School Calendar/Schedule" and there are links for every class on your homeroom and class pages.

  3. Show respect to everyone.

    • It will take some time for us all to get used to this new format. Please be patient with your peers and teachers - we all have different technological skill levels.

    • You are a guest in everyone's home. Be polite about your peers' and teacher's surroundings.

    • Use common sense. If it is not acceptable to say in-person, it is not okay to type.

  4. Become familiar with your virtual surroundings. During in-person school, you are responsible for showing up at the right place and time; knowing your passwords; and having your materials. The same rings true online. You should know where to find your class links. With different teachers, you may have different websites that have usernames and passwords that you will need to utilize. If you cannot memorize your passwords, write them down in a secure location so you can grab them if you forget. Remember to have any materials you need nearby for class (i.e. scratch paper for math or your science text).