You have questions! We have the answers! This is a living question database. Come back as we add more and more questions. Can't find the answer to your question? Drop us a question!


How many hours do CAs work?

All CAs are students. As per university requirements, CAs work an average of 19 hours a week. This includes some nights and weekends.

I heard CAs respond incidents, is it scary?

It can be at first! Especially if you've never done it before, but we will train you and provide you with support to make sure you are able to respond with confidence! Also, we will be there with you so won't be alone. We promise it will get easier the more you do it!


Do CAs get free housing?

Yes! Part of the CA compensation is a free room and standard meal plan. Any meal plan upgrades are paid out of pocket by the CA.

When do CAs get paid?

Room and Board credits are applied to accounts early during the quarter. All additional income is paid out to CAs on the 10th & 25th of each month. At times, Payroll may pay early due to weekends or holidays.


When do CAs have to return to campus for training?

CA Training will start September 3, 2024. We will be training until September 18, 2024. You are required to attend every day of training unless there is an emergency.


Am I able to hold another on-campus job while being a CA?

No. Unfortunately, the university doesn't allow students to work more than 19 hours a week. The CA job is classified as a 19-hour position.

What is a quarterly contract CA?

Good question! Quarterly contracted CAs are hired under the understanding that they will only work for one quarter at a time. Your supervisor would let you know a few weeks ahead of time if your contract will be renewed for the next quarter. Historically, we have been able keep all quarterly CAs employed throughout the entire academic year.


CAs are some of the most well connected students? They know more resources, offices, and senior leadership than the average EWU student.