Fun & Games

I just learned about this fun site that lets you drag and drop a variety of things to see what you can make. What happens when you add fire to sand?  Click to explore and find out.

You need to register for an account (It's free) and then you are free to design and create your own virtual world. It even has free and fast video tutorials to help you get started.

Use this link to play around

Want to see a satellite photo of your house, the Eiffel Tower, or anywhere else in the WORLD? Just download this free tool and google away.

Do you need to make a puzzle fast? This site is your solution.

Has different games for math, reading, and just plain entertainment.

If you like quizzes and jeopardy like games, this site is for you. Your teachers will love this site.

A really fun site with trivia like games and quizzes on a host of topics from James Bond characters to Crayola Colors. Can you name all 50 states in less than 6 minutes? Follow the link and find out.

An amusing musical site to help you waste time.

A cool on line site where you can color.

Fun game based site to increase your typing speed.

Can a computer recognize your drawing?  

An addictive frustrating game where you have to identify pattern amongs a set of 12 cards.

Great for the brain. Deduce, think, and solve

Like Sodoku for computer lovers

Do you love Wordle?  If so, check this site out.

A new site with all sorts of puzzles 

This game is called 2048. With 16 boxes you have to add two of the same numbers together, doubling that number. So, by adding two 2’s together it makes a 4, eventually making 2048. But, with every move, another 2 or 4 is added to the frame.

Virtual Games