Art History and Museum Studies

Art History and Museum Studies are each unique aspects of what makes our art program special. By studying and critiquing different pieces of art from around the world and throughout history we are able to better understand different cultures. EWG started the first Museum Studies class in Rhode Island in 2019 and has already partnered with RISD and been featured in the Attleboro Arts Museum as part of their annual Flower Show.

Attleboro Arts Museum - Flower Show 2019

The Art History/Museum Studies strand of the EWG Pathway leads to career opportunities in restoration, curating, education, exhibitions, gallery management, archiving, and designing. These courses endeavor to explore the story behind the art, and to illustrate the impact museums have on our culture. Students explore the background and meaning of mutually agreed upon art cultures and artifacts, while also learning the techniques and materials used by artists past and present.

Art History/Museum Studies is a growing program very unique to our school that promises real world application of skills leading to employment and careers. The excitement and enthusiasm of EWG Art History/Museum Studies is one of the aspects that sets our school apart from the rest.
