
  • Only essential visitors will be allowed into a school to reduce the likelihood of someone bringing COVID19 into the building.

  • If a parent needs to drop off something for their child, they will use the buzzer system at the main entrance. Once the secretary has acknowledged the call, the parent will inform them of the student name and item(s) being left for the student. Visitors will label the student's name on the item(s) and place them on a table in the foyer. Office staff will call students down to pick up their item(s) from the table in the foyer where the parent left it for them.

  • If a parent is dropping off medication, they will announce that to the secretary using the buzzer system. Then the nurse or administrator will meet them in the foyer.

  • Parents must have a mask on when entering the building for the safety of our staff and students.

  • Parents/guardians needing to meet with the administrator, teacher, or guidance counselor must schedule the meeting in advance. Use of phone or video conferencing will be encouraged.

  • Until further notice, visitors will not be allowed to eat lunch with students or provide volunteer services at the school due to concerns of exposure to COVID19.