Breakfast & Lunch

  • Breakfast items will be available for grab and go service as students enter the building, and will be eaten in the classrooms before 7:30. Each breakfast option will include a portable breakfast item, fruit, juice, and students can choose a milk.

  • Students will be encouraged to wash their hands or use sanitizer before entering the cafeteria lines and after eating. There will be sanitation stations set up throughout the cafe, Fine Gallery, and Media Center to ensure students have access to hand sanitizer/wipes if they are unable to wash their hands before service.

  • We are now a CEP school. All breakfasts and lunches are free. However, families still need to fill out free/reduced application for free books.

  • In an effort to allow for social distancing, some students will be eating in locations other than the cafeteria (ex. classroom, media center, gym). In an effort to expedite the time students spend in line with other students, there have been some updates to our food and nutrition processes for the 2020-2021 school year, including:

      • Limited menu offerings.

      • Disposable trays/containers will be used for any student not eating in the cafeteria and prepackaged, disposable utensils will be provided.