
Athletic teams have been provided forehead thermometers and will take each student's temp as they sign-in each day. All coaches will wear masks during practice and encourage social distancing during training. Students will carry individual water bottles and asked to wear a mask as they enter and exit practice. Players will also wear a mask when watching film and during team meetings. Hand sanitizer will be available for team members throughout the practice.

District Information

The EVSC follows the guidance of the Indiana High School Athletic Association and has developed a Return to Play plan. Click on the button below to access the plan. The EVSC also follows guidance from INClass from the Indiana Department of Education and the Indiana State School Music Association.

The EVSC Athletic Department has worked to formulate a plan that supports our two top priorities.

1. Keeping the health, safety and well-being of our student-athletes, coaches and support staff as our top priority.

2. To help ensure the safe return to school.