My Way

Upper: the influenza viruses are cultivated in the allantoic cavity of chicken embryos

On the right: electron microscopy - micrograph of influenza viruses, negative contrast. Surface viral glycoproteins hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) are visible on the surface of viral particles (magnification x50k)

I received MD from the Medical School of Yekaterinburg (former Sverdlovsk) and PhD (Medical Virology) from the Research Institute of Influenza, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia).

PhD Thesis:

Population and genetic analysis of antigenic variants of Influenza A (H3N2) viruses (1988)

Lecturer, Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology, Medical Academy of Yekaterinburg, (former Sverdlovsk), Russia (1988 - 1992)

Senior Lecturer, Ural Agricultural Academy, Yekaterinburg (former Sverdlovsk), Department of Microbiology, Russia (1992-1994)

I immigrated to Israel at September 1994

Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Haifa, Israel

1995-1998 Researcher at the Department of Immunology (Headed by Professor Haim Ginsburg)

1998-2011 Senior Researcher at the Pediatric Research and Electron Microscopy Unit (Headed by Professor Theodore C. Iancu)

Research interest:

~ Hepatotoxicity of anti-inflammatory drugs: acetaminophen overdose

~ Multidrug resistance (P-glycoprotein) in hepatocellular carcinoma cells and effect of acetaminophen

~The role of Raf/MEK/ERK pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma and effectiveness of molecular inhibitor (Sorafenib) in combinations with chemotherapeutic Doxorubicin: molecular mechanisms of counteraction

~ Autophagy in cancer cells exposed to anticancer drugs: electron microscopy observations

~Transmission Electron Microscopy. Liver and Intestinal biopsies. Preparation and Clinical evaluation

Institute of Evolution, University of Haifa

~ 2012 - 2015 Senior Researcher at the Institute of Evolution, Principal Investigator

~ Since 2015 - Associate Professor at the Institute of Evolution

Since 2012, I continued my research at the Institute of Evolution, University of Haifa. The current study focuses on cellular mechanisms of cancer resistance of an important Evolutionary Biology animal: the subterranean blind mole rat Spalax, belonging to a rodent group living underground in sealed dark tunnel systems, and adapted to fluctuating hypoxia. When I joined to “Spalax group” of the Institute of Evolution, the study of Spalax resistance to chemically-induced cancer had been initiated by Research Prof. A. Avivi and Dr I. Shams. I decided to concentrate my investigation on the cellular mechanisms involved in this phenomenon by using co-culturing of primary fibroblasts isolated from Spalax with cancer cells, both human and rodent-derived. The result exceeded all expectations: primary fibroblasts isolated from Spalax inhibited cancer cell growth, suppressed cell cycle progression and migration and finally, induced cell death (Manov et al., BMC Biology, 2013). The second research project of my initial work in Institute of Evolution was the iron-rich ferritin in Spalax tissues and the pathways of its internalization [in collaboration with Prof. Iancu (Iancu at al., Journal of Structural Biology, 2014)]. In subsequent years, my research focused on the mechanisms of cellular senescence in Spalax and the tumor suppressive role of the microenvironment.

The inhibitory effect of medium conditioned by Spalax fibroblasts on “collective migration” of prostate cancer PC3 cells in Matrigel