Gamer Club

  Welcome to the Shahala Gamer Club page  


🚍Activities Bus: If your student will ride the activities bus home from the club, please sign up at the ASB Office ASAP or call (360) 604 - 3815. 

The activities bus runs Mondays-Thursdays, except for early release Wednesdays (school calendar). Activity buses depart from Shahala around 5:30 PM. Your child can get a ride home on an activity bus (but NOT on Fridays or early release). Please try to pick up your student by 5:30 PM each day. Advisors have families they would like to get home to also!  

Gamer Club Schedule

The Gamer Club will meet every other week on Mondays, in alternating advisor's classrooms.

Students can play a variety of games, including board games, card games, and electronic/video games.

Time: 4:15 - 5:30 PM

Club dates and locations:

Rooms and advisors alternate ever other Monday.

*No meets on early release days.