Résumé Writing

Creating a Résumé

For a high school student, a good introductory level résumé or activity log generally has five parts:

Contact information: The top of your résumé or activity log shows your contact information. Make your name in a larger point size so it stands out. Your contact information should include legal name, phone number (where you can be easily reached), and a personal email address that’s “professional” – make a habit of checking it!

Objective: Briefly describe (2–3 sentences) why you want the job (or college acceptance or scholarship), and what you can bring to the organization (why they should hire/choose you).

Skills and Strengths: Even if you have never held a paid job before, you do have skills, abilities, and interests. When you write about your skills and strengths:

Education: Note the name of your high school and date you expect to earn a high school diploma. Include the names of classes that help build skills related to the job you plan to apply for, especially Career and Technical Education (CTE), leadership and honors, or college level classes. Consider including your grade point average if 3.0 or higher.

Experience: List your paid and unpaid jobs, including name of company (if applicable) and how long you worked there, and community services/volunteer time and activities; especially any that show your leadership skills and/or dedication. Briefly describe what you did. You can also list any awards or other recognitions you have received either in or out of school.

Résumé Samples and Helpful Tools