The Writing Minilesson

The Writing Minilesson

Writing minilessons are brief, focused, explicit lessons that help children understand and apply the characteristics of effective writing and nurture their ability to write with purpose, imagination, and voice. Each minilesson engages children in inquiry that leads to the discovery of a general principle from The Literacy Continuum.

What is Writer's Workshop?

A writer's workshop is an organized set of writing experiences that puts a strong instructional frame around students' independent writing. The term workshop, applied to both reading and writing, implies activity and interaction. In a writers' workshop, the teacher presents a writing minilesson and then supports individual students as they work on their own pieces of writing or convene a guided writing group. The workshop ends with the group sharing their learning and pieces of writing.

Why Writer's Workshop is Important

Writer's workshop creates a space within the school day when students do what professional writers do- write. The benefits of a workshop include:

Frequency- Students develop a rhythm for writing, keeping their writing in mind day after day. The hours of practice bring increased proficiency.

A writing community- Students experience living in a writing community. They learn what it means to consider the writing of others and to provide thoughtful comments and support. They learn that writers teach on another.

Demonstrations by authors and illustrators- Students discover the craft of writing by analyzing and discussing what good writers do.

Predictability- Students understand how routines work, how supplies are organized, and how time is arranged. The structure enables you and your students to focus on the writing process and to engage in learning conversations.

Purpose- Students learn that writing must have a purpose, that it is not simply an assignment to complete.

Revision, editing, proofreading, and publishing- Students are expected to revise and proofread their work and publish selected pieces.

Expectations- Expectations for students during writers' workshops are high. Writers show all they know in a final draft, though it may not be entirely correct

What Are Writing Minilessons?

Writing minilessons provide short and explicit instruction to help students understand the characteristics of effective writing and write in a variety of genres with purpose and voice. Each minilesson engages students in inquiry that leads to the discovery and understanding of a general principle. A minilesson is taught to the whole class.

What Are Mentor Texts?

Brooks read during interactive read-aloud, shared reading, modeled writing, shared writing, interactive writing and student writing can often serve as exemplars during writing minilessons. By examining examples of strong, effective writing, students learn to look to other writers for mentorship and to incorporate effective techniques into their own writing.

What is Group Share?

Group share brings the class together as a writing community. During a group share, you can reinforce and assess new understandings, provide a genuine audience for writers, and create a community of writers who share ideas and insights. You may wish to have groups of writers who are at the same point in the writing process, focused on the same aspect of craft, or currently writing in the same genre to share on the same day.