Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds are intended to help school districts recover from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Funds are provided to State educational agencies and school districts to facilitate safe reopening and safe operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on our students. 

ESSER Funding is provided as a one-time allotment and the District has 3 years to use the funds. There are also restrictions on what the funds may be used for. 

ESSER Spending

Academic and Student Well-Being Recovery Plan - EPS.pdf

ESSER Funds Usage Update

Estimated ESSER Spending by 08/31/23


Community Report 2021(2019-20 School Year).pdf

Community Report

Announcement of ESSER 1 Funding and usage to the community. 

The Columbian Highlights Camp Evergreen 

Evergreen Summer School Gets Boost from ESSER Funds - Focus on Credit Recovery, Social-Emotional Learning, and Middle School Curriculum Readiness. 

Public Budget Discussion - Board Meetings

Budget Overview and ESSER Usage Details

Academic and Student Well-Being Recovery Plan

Tribal Notification and Feedback Request

ESSER fund Tribal Notification Letter 12.01.2021.pdf