Chapter I: Progress Report 

 Describe any significant developments that have had a major impact on the school and/or  specific curricular programs since the last full visit. 

Comment on the process for implementing and monitoring the schoolwide action plan/SPSA aligned with LCAP goals. 

Summarize progress on each section of the current schoolwide action plan/SPSA that  incorporated all schoolwide critical areas (growth areas for continuous improvement) from  the last full self-study and all intervening visits. 

Comment on the original critical areas for follow-up (growth areas for continuous  improvement) not in the current schoolwide action plan/SPSA. 

 Schoolwide Action Plan form 2017 WASC

On March 13-15, 2017 WASC visited EHS and performed the review of the self study created by EHS. On January 30, 2020 a Mid-Cycle Report with a 1-day visit was performed. Lastly, on June 1, 2021 a progress report was submitted to the accreditation commission website. Below is the summary of the goals that were created in the 2017 self study and the current progress. 



 LCAP Goals

The EUSD administrative team meets weekly and reviews the additional funding and a plan to meaningfully engage stakeholders. The LCAP Task force meets quarterly to review the progress of the LCAP and over the past two years it has also been used to discuss the additional funding. The task force consists of teachers, classified, students, administrators, parents and the community. The task force has met on 8/25/21, 10/27/21, 2/23/22 and will meet on 4/27/22. EUSD has also met with the District English Learner Advisory Committee and the District School Site Council on the following days to review the same information and receive input


Goal 1: Conditions of Learning: Goal 1 was developed to ensure the schools have their basic needs met. Well maintained facilities, an appropriately credentialed, trained work force, adequate materials and an increase in college and career success. A survey was sent out to all of our educational partners to determine whether the district needed to make any changes to the 2021-2024 LCAP Goal 1 or any of the action steps for Goal 1. The survey results demonstrated over 90% either agreed or strongly agreed on keeping Goal 1 and all of the current action steps. Each action step ties directly into one or more of the metrics.

EUSD is building a new early learning childhood center. This new building was funded in part through the IEEEP grant. There will be a new preschool classroom, occupational therapy room and an inclusive playground. This new building will provide additional space to increase our Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program from one to two classrooms beginning in the 2022-23 school year. More details on TK can be found at the following link:

Current Status: All campus meet minimum  Williams Act requirements. Our school facility was evaluated and received a FIT rating of fair. Staff have received training on PBIS and Renaissance. We have also identified areas in which EHS wants more professional development ( The pandemic has created an environment across all education that is making it difficult to attract and retain staff. Because of this we continue to provide teacher induction and also intern programs for staff as well. 


Goal 2: Raise student achievement across the curriculum: The action steps for Goal 2 all relate directly to achieving student achievement and success in every subject area including core classes, elective and physical education courses. A survey was sent out to all of our stakeholders to determine whether the district needed to make any changes to the 2021-2024 LCAP Goal 2 or any of the action steps for Goal 2. The survey results demonstrated over 88% either agreed or strongly agreed on keeping Goal 2 and all of the current action steps.

Students and staff have been collaborating with our RISE partners to provide 30 additional 9 hour days of instruction through the summer. Due to the pandemic there has been a need to provide additional academic and social emotional support for our students. The ELOP has provided additional resources to support our students as they continue to learn and grow.

Current Status: The CAASPP data is definitely a growth area. In Math EHS students scored at 22% and in English 19% of the students were nearly met and above. At EHS students who earned a C or better grades showed a slight increase (EHS:Math - 72.7%, Soc Sci - 68%, Eng - 84.5%, Science - 63.6%, PE - 85%). EHS Continues to grow our 6 pathways. We will be exploring a 7th pathway in childhood education/child development. Many of our CTE course are dual enrolled or articulated. Similar to our baseline about 95% students are enrolled in CTE or VAPA classes. Our most recent dashboard data from CDE states that 86% our 20-21 seniors were CTE completers. Other areas of growth in goal 2 focus on attendance. Esparto High School chronic absenteeism was at 15.4% after the Fall of 22. 

Goal 3: Actively engage parents and students to promote school attendance, a positive climate, and involvement in the school community: The action steps for Goal 3 all relate directly to actively engage parents and to promote school attendance, a positive climate and increase engagement in the school community. A survey was sent out to all of our stakeholders to determine whether the district needed to make any changes to the 2021-2024 LCAP Goal 3 or any of the action steps for Goal 2. The survey results demonstrated over 80% either agreed or strongly agreed on keeping Goal 3 and all of the current action steps.

The staff, parent and students recognize the importance of building a sense of community. This year a critical component of building community has been the implementation of a district wide quality nutrition program. This program includes the addition of supper for our

Current Status: One of the key areas in this goal is parent and community engagement. For the 2021 Student Conferences it was decided to use conferences as targeted intervention for students with D's or F's. Parents were invited and scheduled specific times to meet with teachers and 75% of those parents showed up. From data quest our 4 year cohort graduation rates are 92% for 2020-21 although they increased to 98% in the 2021-22 school year. We also administered the California Healthy Kids Survey to 9th and 11th graders. The information provided a wealth of information in our WASC report.