(Long Term Independent Study)

What is Long Term Independent Study (LTIS)?

LTIS was implemented from an order or law requiring districts to provide an option for students not wanting to return to in-person schooling (click on news article HERE). The directive to offer independent study is detailed in SB 130, known as the TK-12 education trailer bill. SB 130 would “authorize independent study for a pupil whose health would be put at risk by in-person instruction, as determined by the parent or guardian,” adding medical concerns to the list of reasons why students may opt for a remote instruction plan for the 2020-21 school year, according to the bill text. LTIS will be an option for those who wish to engage in distance learning for 15 or more days.

Written Agreement

To participate in LTIS, parent, student, and teacher must complete (electronic signatures are accepted) an independent study contract which details expectations for all parties, as well as re-engagement and re-entry strategies. A draft (this still needs to pass review of state auditors) of EUSD's LTIS contract is shared HERE. A conference involving all parties will take place before the contract signing.

For SpEd students wishing to participate in LTIS, please contact .