Learning is like watching a plant bloom

Siempre Adelante- Choose Growth

I am excited to meet y'all and to build a classroom culture where you feel empowered, educated, and proud of yourselves. I have high expectations of all my students and hope you have high expectations of me as your teacher. I aim to engage us in perspective and approach learning with an open mind. Holistic learning is the utmost best tool for growth. 

Siempre adelante, 

Ms. Martinez 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where can I find work I missed while I was absent? 

A: We miss you when you're gone! Go to the corresponding week you missed, check the slides for assignments/notes missed, and be sure to turn in ASAP. If you have questions, ask your tablemates or come see Ms. Martinez :) 

Q: Do you accept late work? 

A: Yes, you may turn in late work up to 1 week from the due date. However, late work will receive maximum of a C- grade (i.e., turn in late A quality work=C-, and reduces dependent on quality/rubric of work). 

Q: Where can I check my grades? 

A: Your grades are posted on Student VUE- check your grades here

Q: What's your rule on phones & earbuds? 

A: Phones & earbuds are to be kept out of sight, and out of mind. It is both part of our classroom agreements & the OGHS student handbook. I value our class time together, phones often keep us from learning to our fullest  potential. 

Check out these articles on the link between cell phones and our brains: 

Harvard- Having Your Smartphone Nearby Takes a Toll on Your Thinking

Harvard- Keeping your smartphone nearby may not be so smart

UChicago-Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of One’s Own Smartphone Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity  

Q: Do you play music in class

A: Yes! Music is so valuable for learning & life, really. I'll play music in class dependent on the activity we are doing. 

Check out these articles on the benefits of music in the classroom: 

The surprising ways music benefits your brain and body

Can music improve our health and quality of life?

Q: Is there a faster way to communicate with you other than e-mail? 

A: Yes!  Send me a Remind! The messages go directly to my laptop/phone. 

Ms. Martinez loves being  a busy bee. Between 3 different content areas to create meaningful lessons for, reviewing awesome student work; dance and yoga classes; taking Ashie the dog on walks; visiting new coffee shops; bonding with her amazing history department- and all else, Ms. Martinez is certainly busy!  I am always here to help. Message me whenever & I 'll reply as promptly as I am able to.