Art Honor Society

The Art Honor Society consists of individuals who are passionate about the arts. Our mission is to participate in a number of activities and events within the community that involve outreach programs through the arts. Students complete 10 hours of community service by either participating in art based community projects, fundraising, mural making, or curating student art exhibitions.

The following are highlighted events that the AHS participates in.

  • The senior fashion show: Working with the PTA’s yearly theme, AHS students spend hours after school brainstorming, designing and then making the centerpieces.

  • Holiday Stocking Grams: AHS designs and creates about 200 stockings that are delivered to students and teachers. Students purchase stockings with a note and AHS packs the hand-made stockings with candy which are delivered to classrooms.

  • Welcome Spring: AHS handcrafts hundreds of paper flowers and creates centerpieces to decorate the dining hall to welcome Spring on March 21 and 22. This coincides with our Spring Bake Sale. All the proceeds we raise are used to purchase art and crafts supplies for P.S 111’s art program which is an underfunded elementary school in NYC.

This year however will be framed differently because of the circumstances. Each month the online gallery will feature student artwork from the visual art program at Eastchester High School.