Étude Forest

Etude Forest

by Sam

We go to school at Etude and if we drive our teacher crazy and need to get out of the classroom, we hike in the woods behind school. We learn to read in the woods and in school. We get to hike behind school if we finish the writing. If you want fish for dinner, you can go to Etude Forest and then go catch some fish for dinner in the Pigeon River. So if you want to see nature and catch fish for dinner and then you can go fishing, and clean it at home tonight.


entrance path to the left

entrance path to the right

pine trees

student built structures

lower forest area

blue skies everywhere

Pigeon River

lower trails

parking lot for trail

Pigeon River trail behind school

Pigeon River trail behind school

hiking near the quarry


nature's beauty

Quarry trail

Pigeon River behind along the quarry

Pigeon River and highway 42

The Sheboygan Project at the quarry parking lot

The Sheboygan Project under highway 42 bridge

trail signage at Evergreen Park along Pigeon River

disk golf course

disk golf course is busy!