Participate in ForceSMIP

Overview: How to Participate

The metadata for the evaluation data is edited so that it doesn't show which model or observational dataset it came from. Please don't try to figure this out (there is no reason to cheat, and it will be clear if you do). 

See the full protocol here.

Please email Robb Jnglin Wills ( or one of the other organizers if you have any questions about the process. 


Forced response: Spatiotemporal evolution of anomalies in a climate quantity (either a monthly average or a monthly max or min) in response to external forcing (GHG, aerosols, volcanoes, land-use change, solar, etc.) once internal variability in that climate quantity has been removed. In the case of large ensemble data, the forced response will be defined by the ensemble mean. 


tos: monthly-mean sea-surface temperature 

tas: monthly-mean surface air temperature 

pr: monthly-mean precipitation

psl: monthly-mean sea-level pressure

siconc: monthly-mean sea-ice concentration

zmta: monthly-mean zonal-mean air temperature

monmaxtasmax: monthly maximum of daily maximum surface air temperature 

monmintasmin: monthly minimum of daily minimum surface air temperature 

monmaxpr: monthly maximum of daily total precipitation