E-book & Audiobook Access

Because we share this collection with other schools, e-books and audiobooks might not be immediately available to you on eReadIllinois/Axis 360. If the item you want shows up when you do a search, but isn't available for checkout, you have the option of placing a hold on it.

NOTE: Be sure to go into your settings to add your email address, otherwise you won't be notified when your holds are available. Directions for how to do this are included in the instructions linked below.

Need some help? Email a library staff member or consult this LibGuide, which includes both written and video instructions for using Axis 360/eReadIllinois.

Log in to Overdrive's Sora with your ETHS credentials, which grant you access to both ETHS Libraries' Sora collection *and* Evanston Public Library's Sora collection. As with eReadIllinois, you can place a hold on any item if all the copies are already checked out.

NOTE: The first time you log in, you'll need to add the "Digital Library of Illinois" collection to your libraries, otherwise you won't be able to see or access EPL's collection. Directions for how to do this are included in the instructions linked below (and, importantly, do not require an EPL card).

Need some help? Email a library staff member or consult this LibGuide, which includes both written and video instructions for using using Overdrive's Sora.

Other E-book & Audiobook Sources

E-books and audiobooks on Libby (also from Overdrive) may not be immediately available, but you can place holds on materials.

Materials will be available to you across devices, including your Chromebook, phone, and/or tablet.

You will need a library card from Evanston Public Library or Skokie Public Library to access Libby. Need a card? Email a member of the ETHS library staff for help, or click here for more info from EPL.

NOTE: Libby looks and functions a lot like Sora, but Sora is geared toward students, while Libby is for the general public.

Hoopla's collection isn't as large as Libby's, but any books you see on it will be available to you immediately, no waiting or holds necessary.

Materials will be available to you across devices, including your Chromebook, phone, and/or tablet.

You will need a library card from Evanston Public Library or Skokie Public Library to access Hoopla. Need a card? Email a member of the ETHS library staff for help, or click here for more info from EPL.

Project Gutenberg offers over 60,000 free e-books with no required registration!

It is very unlikely that you'll find newer releases here, though -- most of these titles were published before 1924 (*)

This is a good resource if you're looking for older, "classic" titles, like Little Women or Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, or for works by pre-20th Century authors like Charles Dickens or Edgar Allan Poe.

(*) This is because nearly all the books on Project Gutenberg have expired copyrights -- meaning no one owns the rights to them -- which is why it's okay to put them on the internet for free.

Spotify has audiobooks -- including newer releases -- but browsing the collection for audiobooks can be a little tricky.

This is a good resource if you already have a Spotify account and if you know the title of the book or the author you're looking for when you begin your search.

TIP: Be sure to double check that the audiobook is read in your preferred language and is unabridged (if that's an issue).

The Internet Archive has a lot of e-books to sift through, but is a great resource, especially if you already know what book or author you're looking for.

It is very unlikely you'll find newer releases, but you may find books that are more recent than those on Project Gutenberg.

You'll need to create your own account, but doing so is free.

TIP: You can limit/simplify your searches a bit by choosing the "Open Library" option that appears when you click on the "Books" icon up top.

Mackinvia offers free access to a handful of "classics" in e-book format, including Great Expectations and Jane Eyre.

If prompted to do so, use the following credentials to log in:

  • School/Library Name: Evanston Township High School

  • User ID: central200

  • Password: east201