A course for everyone, regardless of their level of experience. During this semester long class, students improvise and create original material, some ridiculous, some serious. All students rehearse and perform an extended scene from a contemporary play complete with costumes, staging and props. We get to try a little of everything: directing, playwrighting, improvising, but all in the name of performance.
An introduction to many areas of technical theater such as scenic carpentry, scenic design, lighting design, and sound design. Students work on practical projects, often related to current ETHS productions. It's a lot of fun.
A full-year, mixed level class, 2 Theatre is a combination scene study plus theatre history course. This class is about asking the question: Where does our contemporary style of acting come from? Units include realism, absurdism/nonrealism, comedy, children's theatre, directing/adapation and much more.
This is our advanced class, and the curriculum changes every other year to focus on another subject. In 2023-24, our focus is directing. Students have the opportunity to direct their own one-act play. Before that, topics include a monologue and audition unit, the history of and performance in the American musical theatre, stage combat and more. In 2024-25, the course will focus on playwrighting—every student develops their own short play. In that particular year, we work on dialects and accents, and a lot of scene study.