Chief Community Gallery Admin Guide in Preparation of 19 May 2021

0800-1000 hours

  1. Clear CG pending review, daily from 0800-1000 for 1 hour, or more.

  2. All lessons before 19 May 2021 will be "return/published" +update e-Catalogue by Lawrence/Jean, existing CG Chief Admin.

  3. All CG Chief Admin to login to SLS and "return/published" +update e-Catalogue if publish etc from 0800-1000. It is recommended that we can clear CG pending review lessons for that day. Typically, spend 1 hour during this timing, so Lawrence, Jean, C Hui Ru, etc

  4. SUGGESTED STEPS: If the pending lesson is similar to another lesson in featured CG, open both lessons and check if the pending lesson is an improvement of the CG lesson.

    1. Replace: If Yes, it is an improved version compared to the current CG featured lesson, choose "replace lesson" option, add the original list of teachers into the new lesson and return the "old" CG lesson that is push into the CG pending lesson (latest).

    2. Treat as new: If No, it is another uniquely different lesson, choose "new lesson" option and review it independently.

      1. Return: rare, but can happen, the lesson has no detectable difference, ask the teacher to make more visible enhancement. If resubmitted, look at step 8.

    3. Publish lessons will be done with another insertion into the e-Catalogue. Best practices include

      1. Sometimes, lessons from MOEHQ (CPDD, AST and ETD) can just auto-publish +update e-Catalogue, the lessons usually are vetted.

      2. Add thumbnail for the lesson (improve visibility of lesson), suggestion just browse the lesson and download a picture or gif and upload as thumbnail

      3. Add lesson description, suggestion look at the subject tags and add some description

      4. check lesson is not subject == Student initiated learning (SIL), SIL is currently only allowed in MOE library, as instructed by SIL ETD i/c. Suggest changing the subject and review accordingly.

      5. The principle of allowing SLS CG lessons is based on whether the materials are developed by MOE entirely (then it is YES) or it contains third party's materials (Yes and No depends on whether rights given by IP owner). For third party's materials, lesson submitter(author etc) need to check with CPDD on IP rights that MOE purchased.

    4. Return lessons with problematic copyright infringements and other issues.

      1. Return lessons with duplicate submissions, (sometimes there could be many than 1 lesson with same title, same author etc) and type in (returning duplicate lesson) in the text field.

    5. Resubmitted after return: if it is a resubmitted lesson, normally with check the email for the same URL and reply to the original reviewer to continue with the clearing. CG Admins with can do this.

1000-1200 hours

  1. 1st round TagUI emails: From 1000-1200, Lawrence/Jean will send TagUI external 1) robotic automated process (RPA) crawling of SLS pending review pages using loginsls8newui.tag, process (remove sent before data, so that to only send emails to new pending review lessons) in the file pendingreview_list.csv and 2) RPA emails using compose_mail7i.tag and body_template.txt to some CG admins to review SLS CG pending lesson tab, giving them 2 days to complete the review process (return/publish). A log of TagUI emails sent is XLS here, purpose is to manually track emails sent out.

1500-1700 hours

  1. All CG Chief Admin to login to SLS and "return/published" +update e-Catalogue if publish etc from 1500-1700. It is recommended that we can clear CG pending review lessons for that day bearing in mind the will have sent out emails to ask CG admins to review some lessons. To avoid conflict of assignment, try to avoid "touching those lessons meant for CG admins, note that if they cannot find the lesson, they typically will email and we have to figure out why and reply" Typically, spend 1 hour during this timing.


  1. 2nd round TagUI emails: Lawrence/Jean will send TagUI external 1) robotic automated process (RPA) crawling of SLS pending review pages using loginsls8newui.tag, process (remove sent before data, so that to only send emails to new pending review lessons) in the file pendingreview_list.csv and 2) RPA emails using compose_mail7i.tag and body_template.txt to some CG admins to review SLS CG pending lesson tab, giving them 2 days to complete the review process (return/publish).

  2. Next day, repeat step 1.

  3. In steady state,

    1. CG Chief Admins are to be developmental to the teachers' in their lesson submission, comments are to be clear, actionable and courteous.

    2. Submitted older than 19 May lessons, should be either published/return by Jean/Lawrence. If you notice a lesson that is submitted older than 19 May, ignore them, Lawrence/Jean will handle them.

    3. New CG Chief Admins to "clear" as many lessons as possible on that day only, but we welcome "returning/publishing" of other days as well.

    4. There should not be more than 50 lessons at any time, all or any CG Admins can "clear" lessons if the situation is calls for that decisions.

    5. Sometimes, it is necessary to just publish acceptable quality or return with comments to lessons due to busy reviewers who may not be able to "clear" the lessons.

Data experiment to remove need to update e-catalogue form manually by CG admin

  1. in published without confidential data this is SLS data reconstructed copy of the e-catalogue, which is updated every month. Hopefully, it is useful.

  2. The advantages/disadvantages are:

    1. Accurate data, the other is prone to human error, miss data entry,

    2. URL is system extraction, will be correct, the other is prone to miscopying, something has extra /admin/ in URL etc

    3. Effort low, SLS data extraction is monthly, the other is high in effort, every CG admin has to update it if the lesson is published.

    4. Cost 0.25 man days to generate the data for 4 months, may not be prioritised after July 2021, the other is free.

    5. Updated at monthly intervals (copy data field into SLS_CG and refreshed the pivot tables, the other is theoretically at time of publishing, no need to wait one month for data sync.